Handmade Persian carpets and Rugs have a rich history of Mughal influence

Handmade Persian carpets have a rich history of influence in India. This influence can be traced back to the Mughal period when India was under Mughal rule (early 16th to mid-19th century). During this time, Persian culture and art had a significant impact on the Indian subcontinent, including the production of handmade carpets. Here are … Read more

Handmade carpets and Rugs have a rich tradition

Handmade carpets have a rich tradition in India, with a long history of craftsmanship and artistry. Indian handmade carpets are renowned for their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and high-quality materials. Here are some of the most famous types of handmade carpets used in India: Persian Carpets: These are not originally from India but have been … Read more